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Our New Lead Pastor IS HERE!

. . . But his contract doesn't start until September! 


As many of you know, Pastor Kevin Bishop and his family have arrived in Sault Ste. Marie!

However, in the interest of allowing them time to get settled in, he won't be actually giving his first message as our lead pastor until Sunday, September 10th.

Not to worry, though! Between now and then, we still have some AMAZING speakers graciously willing to fill in as pulpit supply!

On Sunday, August 27th Rejean Routhier will be here again! You probably remember his message about Samson not really being the best role model for a Christian to aspire to be, and a subsequent sermon closing up that important message with the not-so-surprising-news that JESUS IS the best role model! 

Then on Sunday, September 3rd, our very own lovable, fun, and wise Pastor Liz Down will be sharing her wisdom in her own wonderfully personalized style! 

So MUCH to look forward to over the next few weeks, BUT THERE'S MORE!

On Sunday, September 10th, not only will Pastor Kevin be giving his first official sermon as our lead pastor, we will ALSO be having our 2023 Fall Kick Off BBQ, which will double as a Welcome to Our Church celebration honouring Pastor Kevin, Lorilee, Jackson, and Oliver!! 

Double the FUN, right!?

We will provide the beverages, and the hamburgers & hotdogs (along with the condiments, of course!), we just ask that you bring a side dish or dessert to share!