***Bi-weekly Junior Youth Sunday School led by Laureen Bruni and Joanne Viau***

Our Ignite Youth programming is geared towards the teens and pre-teens in our congregation.

There are exciting youth events each month for our juniors and seniors, with all ages grouped together at least once a month for topics and activities suited for both. 

Click here for the current Ignite Youth Events Calendar.

We also have Sunday school classes for our junior youth. 

***Parents and/or guardians, please take a moment to fill out our Children's / Student Ministry Registration and Parental Consent Form (created per recommendations from Plan to Protect). We appreciate you taking the time to fill out this form.***

Are You Interested in helping out with our youth ministry? We would love to have you! 

·        all materials/training provided

·        flexible scheduling

Easy Procedure:

  1. Fill out volunteer form - click here for the form
  2. Quick interview with Pastor Kevin to discuss where you might best fit in (15 minutes, super low key, zero stress!)
  3. 18+ submit a police record check (see Ellen for details)
  4. Then training/getting you in the classroom!

Questions? Contact Pastor Kevin hillsidefmc.kevin@gmail.com